DRK Ausweis from Krause Papierwerke! Another pixel-accurate reproduction of a 3rd Reich document available. Comes blank, with validity stamp only, or filled out. Personalized (filled out) version comes filled out on period German typewriter, stamped with appropriate 2-color DRK stamps, your picture on a photo paper and a reproduction validity stamp.
Good for doctors, nurses and Helferinen.
For filled out version please provide in comments:
- frist and last name
- DRK rank (see below)
- birth place and date
- address
- city of issue (stamps will be customized to your choice of the city!)
- year of the validity stamp (40/41, 41/42 or 43/44)
Ranks for Women:
- DRK-Generalhauptführerin
- DRK-Generalführerin
- DRK-Oberstführerin
- DRK-Oberfeldführerin
- DRK-Feldführerin
- DRK-Hauptführerin
- DRK-Oberwachtführerin
- DRK-Wachtführerin
- DRK-Haupthelferin
- DRK-Oberhelferin
- DRK-Vorhelferin
- DRK-Helferin
- DRK-Anwärterin
Ranks for Men:
- Generalhauptführer
- Generalführer
- Oberstführer
- Oberfeldführer
- Feldführer
- Hauptführer
- Oberwachtführer
- Wachtführer
- Haupthelfer
- Oberhelfer
- Vorhelfer
- DRK-Helfer
- DRK-Anwärter
Red Cross Photo ID (DRK Ausweis)
PriceFrom $10.00