Other Celebrities of the 3rd Reich
Political Elite
Adolf Hitler (der Führer)
Rudolf Hess (Hitler's deputy)
Golden Party Badge (number 16!) - coming soon!
Heinrich Himmler (Reichsführer-SS)
Hermann Göring
Reinhard Heydrich (Chief of German Police) - see dedicated page
Joachim von Ribbentop (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact - secret clause
Ernst Leitz (Leica owner & manager got 86 people out of Germany)
Oskar Schindler (savior of 1200 Jews)
Sophie Scholl (member of the anti-Nazi resistance group White Rose)
Dwight Eisenhower (Commander of Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe)
The same letter but from 1948 Eisenhower's book "Crusade in Europe". 1426 copies had the page autographed by him.
George Patton (Commander of the 3rd US Army)
Famous Women
Eva Braun (Hitler's mistress and eventually wife)
Hanna Reitsch (top test pilot of German jet and rocket planes)
Iron Cross 2nd class (for a woman!)
Leni Riefenstahl (famous female! film director)
Magda Goebbels (wife of minister of propaganda)
Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (female leader of National-Socialist Women's League, incl. BDM)
Other more, or less known individuals
Albert Einstein (Nobel Price winner, physicist)
Letter to Jesse Mendheim from 1935
Alfred Naujocks (special agent and officer of the SD)
Ernst Röhm (leader of SA, murdered on orders of Hitler in 1934)
Wernher von Braun (lead scientist of V2 rocket program and after the war - US Apollo program)
Josef Mengele (Waffen-SS doctor of Viking Division, later notorious doctor in Auschwitz Concentration Camp)
Ulrich Graf (Hitler's heroic bodyguard)
Jesse (James Cleveland) Owens (top Olympic athlete of 1936)
Horst Wessel (Nazi martyr, author of "Die Fahne Hoch")